Wish List for BibleDashboard

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Following is a wish list of improvements we would like to make.  We do not have a time-table for these:
  • BiblePad©               BiblePad© will be a major addition to BibleDashboard.  This is a note-taking system that will help you write, organize, and keep track of any notes you want to make as you read or study the Bible.  Simple and easy to use, yet powerful for all notes while reading or studying.  (Similar to MyBase or NoteScribe but for other examples see the "big three" here, or other examples here.)  Among other things, BiblePad© will include:

    ReadTracker:  A tool to help you plan and track your daily/weekly/occasional Bible reading.  This will not only help you set goals, but give you a better idea of how you are keeping those goals or how to adjust them.

    Journaling:  A complete journaling system will be aimed at and relevant for general Bible reading, as well as for CWP readings. 

    Bible Project Manager:
      A project manager will be built-in to help you with special topics and interests you are pursuing.  Especially good for long-term interests that develop over time.

  • My Word                 A step-by-step programmed Word Study Tool that takes you by the hand through the process of responsible and informative word studies.

  • Direct Links           To CWP published materials (e.g., Bible study books & reports)  This has already been started, but much remains to do.

  • Navigation              The navigation buttons at the top are a good start.  A newly redesigned navigation system that is less bulky and easier to use will be developed at a later time.

  • New Ideas              We are on the lookout for putting new ideas on BibleDashboard, especially ideas unique to us.

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