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Reading the Bible for

When you read, read to find and express your devotion. 

In our day, the word "devotion" often refers to light and airy comments about the Bible without necessarily being true to the contextual integrity of the Bible.  But that is not "devotion;"  it is a travesty of lazy reading, thinking, and writing.  It is a slap in the face of God.  True devotion is a demand made upon and by a smitten heart, a commitment of your very soul. And it grows out of the instruction you have received by giving yourself to a life of Scripture. 

True devotion is about the relevance of the instruction you receive.  Devotion grows out of instruction and illuminates your life.  What is the purpose of your life?  In your heart of hearts, when you think of your life, do you see yourself as, "Like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, so that it's leaves do not wither and die from thirst?"  Do you "prosper in all that you do?"   What does it feel like to have all of your wants supplied?  Do you see yourself as living in green pastures and led to quiet waters to have your soul restored? 

This is how a person of Scripture is described.  The context of the instruction of Scripture is relevant to the context of your life.  If it is not, then you are not reading something correctly:  either Scripture, or your life. 

A genuine devotion to God is a matter of a heart that longs to be in communion with God.  It is about strong and lofty emotion, but not simply emotion.  It is about elation and peace in the midst of trouble.  It is about energized decision, intention, and commitment. 

To love God with your heart, your soul, and your mind, is to give everything you have to God.  Finding ways of expressing that devotion is very important. 

When you read, explore the relevance of the instruction for the day-to-day meaning of your life. 

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